DIMPA Experience Webinar – online closing for our project
DIMPA Experience Webinar - Online Conference The DIMPA Experience Webinar concluded the project of the same name. In response to the pandemic, we organised this online event. A conference that summarised 27 months of work by an international team. We announced on this website that our closing event would be online, due to health restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic. This event did take place on 26 January 2021 at 6pm. The webinar was recorded, and you can watch the full event on this YouTube video. DIMPA Webinar: the video recording DIMPA Experience Webinar: The conference process We started by welcoming the participants. Not only did they come from French-speaking countries such as France, Belgium, Canada and the Maghreb, but we were also surprised to discover participants from Italy, for example. First, we recalled that the DIMPA project is a transnational experiment co-funded by the European Erasmus+ programme. Secondly, we pointed out the origin of this project: partners of a previous project called the other institutions and proposed to collaborate on a MOOC about publishing technologies. Then we remembered the main objective of the project: Demystify these technologies by making them accessible to as many people as possible and [...]
Multiplier events to present DIMPA project
It is time for Multiplier Events in different countries !!! After 24 months of hard work, the DIMPA project is coming to the end. At this time, given the impossibility of carrying out the Multiplier Events that were originally scheduled because of the COVID19, the different partners of the project are holding different webinars to present the results of the project to their local contexts. In the following links you can access the information about when these meetings will take place. Feel free to participate on them ! Information about the Multiplier Event in French ; German ; Spanish.